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Home The particulars of any arrangement that exits for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof

The particulars of any arrangement that exits for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof

Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

Steel Consumers’ Council : The Steel Consumers’ Council was constituted in 1986 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Steel & Mines, consisting of representatives of the Government, Producers and Consumers of Iron & Steel, house builders and related industries. The tenure of the Council was initially fixed for two years, which has been extended from time to time. The present council was re-constituted on 16th September, 2019.The initial tenure of the SCC will be two years from the date of this Resolution unless specifically extended or curtailed by the Central Government. The SCC shall meet as and when required, as per directions of Hon’ble Steel Minister.

The objective of the Council is to advise and assist the Central Government on matters relating to supply, availability, quality and the market trends of iron and steel. Post deregulation and liberalization of the steel sector, the Government is not required to control prices of steel and there is no dearth of iron and steel in the country. This leaves little scope for any functions to be performed by the Steel Consumers’ Council. However, the meetings of the Council serve as a forum for interaction among the various steel producers, associations and users etc. The meetings of the Steel Consumers’ Council are also a source of instant feedback on the proposed policy changes being contemplated by the Government.

Small Scale Industry Coordination and Review Committee :

The Committee functions under the chairmanship of Jt. Secretary (Steel) with members from Small Scale Industries Corporations, National Small Scale Industries Corporations , main steel producers like SAIL, RINL & TSL. The function of the Committee is to identify the problems areas and the various bottlenecks and suggest measures both short term and long term for assured supply of steel materials to the SSI Sectors.