Nodal Officer:
Shri Sanjay Roy,
Joint Secretary
sanjay[dot]roy14[at]nic[dot]in 23063170
Ministry of Steel Udyog Bhawan New Delhi-110011
Sl. No | Section/Division | Name & Designation of CPIO (S/Shri) | EmailID | Telephone No. |
NodalOfficerinRTI matters | Sailaja Nanda, Under Secretary | 23061352 | ||
1. | Establishment/Cash | Sailaja Nanda, Under Secretary | 23061352 | |
2. | Gen Administration/Record Cell/R&I/Library | Revati Raman, Under Secretary | revati.r@] | 23061352 |
3. | CapacityBuilding& Skill Development | K. Ravichandran, Under Secretary | 23063807 | |
4. | JPC | MukeshRai | 23061479 | |
5. | Coordination | Revati Raman, Under Secretary | revati.r@] | 23061352 |
6. | Parliament | Subhendu Hota, Under Secretary | 23062299 | |
7. | OfficialLanguage | Chandresh Kumar Meena, AD | 23062242 | |
8. | FinanceDivision | MukeshRai | 23061479 | |
9. | Budget | MukeshRai | 23061479 | |
10. | EconomicDivision | Nirbhay Narayan Dubey | 23062490 | |
11. | Vigilance Division | Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, Under Secretary | bksahoo-upsc@gov.]in | 23063241 |
12. | Board Level AppointmentCell | Subhendu Hota, Under Secretary | 23062299 | |
13. | Steel Development (Institute) | K. Ravichandran, Under Secretary | 23063807 | |
14. | Trade & Taxation Division | DeepakKumarSah, Under Secretary | 23063332 | |
15. | RawMaterialDivision | MukeshRai | 23061479 | |
16. | TechnicalDivision | YBBaghel,DD | 23063550 | |
17. | SAILDivision | Ravi Ranjan, UnderSecretary | 23061247 | |
18. | NMDCDivision | Rajesh Kumar, Under Secretary | 23061601 | |
19. | MECONDivision | Pallav,Under Secretary | 23062299 | |
20. | RINL | S. Narayanaswamy, Under Secretary | s.narayanaswamy@] | 23063807 |
21. | KIOCL | Sita Narayanan, Under Secretary | 23061601 | |
22. | MOIL | DeepakKumarSah, Under Secretary | 23062501 | |
23. | MFDivision | K. Ravichandran, Under Secretary | 23063807 | |
24. | Industrial Development-I | Ravi Ranjan, UnderSecretary | 23062245 | |
25. | Industrial Development-II | Ravi Shekhar, Under Secretary | 23063473 | |
26. | International Corporation Cell | Sita Narayanan, Under Secretary | 23061601 | |
27. | ProjectMonitoringCell | Nirbhay Narayan Dubey | 23062490 | |
28. | Statistics | Mukund Bihari, Under Secretary | 23061777 | |
29. | IEC | Pallav,Under Secretary | 23062299 | |
30. | IT&e-Gov | Pallav,Under Secretary | 23062299 | |
31. | LogisticsDiv,RM | MukeshRai | 23061479 | |
32. | PAO | RameshKumar | paosteel@] | 23063764 |
Sl. No | Section/Division | Name & Designationof Appellate Authority(S/Shri) | EmailID | Telephone Number |
NodalOfficerinRTI matters | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | 23062873 | ||
1. | Establishment | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | 23062873 | |
2. | Gen Administration//Record | Subhash Kumar, DeputySecretary | 23063872 |
Cell/R&I/Library | ||||
3. | Capacity Building & SkillDevelopment | AjitKumarSah, Director | 23062874 | |
4. | JPC | Devidatta Satapathy,Director | 23062386 | |
5. | Coordination | NS Venkateshwaran,DS | 23061138 | |
6. | Parliament | SubhashKumar, DeputySecretary | 23063872 | |
7. | OfficialLanguage | AnandBhoi,JD(OL) | 23063263 | |
8. | FinanceDivision | AmitPankaj, Deputy Secretary | 23061243 | |
9. | Budget | AmitPankaj, Deputy Secretary | 23061243 | |
10. | Economic Division | RajKumar,JD | 23063722 | |
11. | VigilanceDivision | Gopalakrishnan Ganesan,Deputy Secreary | 23061505 | |
12. | Board Level AppointmentCell | Dr.SanjayRoy,Joint Secretary | 23063170 | |
13. | Steel Development (Institute) | Ajit Kumar Sah, Director | 23062874 | |
14. | Trade & Taxation Division | NitinJain,DS | nitin.jain@ov.]in | 23063722 |
15. | RawMaterialDivision | Devidatta Satapathy,Director | 23062386 | |
16. | TechnicalDivision | G Sarathi Raja, DeputySecretary | 23061064 | |
17. | SAILDivision | Gopalakrishnan Ganesan,Deputy Secreary | 23061505 | |
18. | NMDCDivision | G Sarathi Raja, DeputySecretary | 23061064 | |
19. | MECONDivision | GurpreetGadhok, Director | 23063355 | |
20. | RINL | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | 23062873 | |
21. | KIOCL | NehaVerma, Director | 23061096 | |
22. | MOIL | NitinJain,DS | 23063722 | |
23. | MFDivision | Ajit Kumar Sah, Director | 23062874 | |
24. | Industrial Development-I | Gopalakrishnan Ganesan,Deputy Secreary | 23061505 | |
25. | Industrial Development-II | NehaVerma, Director | 23061096 | |
26. | International Corporation Cell | S.SharadRao,DS | 23063770 | |
27. | ProjectMonitoringCell | NitinJain,DS | 23063722 | |
28. | Statistics | Swapna Bhattacharya,DDG | 23063046 | |
29. | IEC | Gurpreet Gadhok, Director | 23063355 | |
30. | IT&e-Gov | S.SharadRao,DS | 23063770 | |
31. | LogisticsDiv,RM | Devidatta Satapathy,Director | 23062386 | |
32. | PAO | ArvindKumar,CCA | 23063730 |