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Home Norms set by Ministry for the discharge of its functions

Norms set by Ministry for the discharge of its functions

These are general norms set by the Ministry for discharge of various functions assigned to it. However, they may vary depending upon the specific nature of the case.

Estt. Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. GPF advances/withdrawals
requiring approval of  HOO
requiring approval of  Head of  Deptt.
3 days
One Week
2. Grant of Earned Leave / Commuted Leave / Extension of  leave 2 days
3. Advances   -  TA/LTC/Transfer TA 5 days
4. Festival Advances applications By a week before the festival
5. Advances-  Table Fan, Bicycle 1  week
6. Advances – Motor Car/Scooter/computer
Not requiring relaxation
Requiring relaxation
1  week
2  week
6A. Grant of HBA Advance after receipt of complete details/ documents 1 week
7. Advance for leave salary 1 week
8. Honorarium cases for consideration of Honorarium Committee. 1 week
9. Issue of Notification for Appointments/reversion etc. after receipt of joining/ relinquishing report. 3 days
10. Pay fixation 3 days
11. Grant of increments By 1st week of the respective month
12. Complaints/Grievances of  staff 1 week
13. Intimation regarding appearance in various Exams 3 days
Administration General
Sl.No. Type of cases Time taken for disposal
1. Repair of Motor car 15 days
2. Hiring of vehicle 15 days
3. Purchase of Air travel 15 days
4. Repair of furniture 15 days
5. Purchase of furniture 15 days
6. Telephone bills 7-8 days
7. Purchase of stationery 15 days
8. Purchase of hardware materials 15-21 days
9. Purchase of computer consumables 15 days
10. Maintenance relating to bills 15 days
11. Minor works 15-21 days
12. Medical claims 15 days
13. Purchase of cleaning material, etc 15 days
14. Bills relating to tea/coffee refreshment 15 days
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Furnishing of material for Parliament Question received from other sections of Ministry of Steel and various Ministries 3 days
2. Reply on references received from MP/VIP 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
3. Administrative matters concerning JPC/BPNSI/INSDAG/ NISST          One month
SAIL-PC Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. V.I.P.References 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
2. Draft Audit Paras 6 Weeks
3. Occupier 3  Months
4. Action Taken Notes 6 Weeks
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Staff Grievances/ Public Grievances  3  months
2. VIP References/MPs Reference 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
3. Laying of Annual Report of the Ministry Budget Session
Hindi Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Material Receipt for Sections for Translation 1750 words per day per Translator
2. Typing work 5400 words per day
3. Reply of General Correspondence 7 working days
4. VIP References (Interim reply) 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
5. Issue of minutes of the meeting related to Hindi Section 15 working days
6. Presentation of Inspection Report 15 working days
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. VIP references received from Cab. Ministers/Ministers/MPs/ MLAs Etc. 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
2. Grievances of employees pertaining BSL/BSP/SAIL. 3-5 days
3. Action taken note/reports 6 Weeks
4. Audit Para 6 Weeks
5. Circulation of draft note for the Cabinet Committee. 3 days
6. Issue of minutes of meetings 1 week
RM-I Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Forwarding of various references received from other Ministries/Departments to NMDC. 3 days
2 Reply to Draft Audit Paras 1 month
3. Forwarding of VIP references to NMDC for comments. 2 days
4. Misc. references received from NMDC 5 days
5. Photo pass applications 4 days
6. Laying of Annual Reports of NMDC in Parliament Winter Session
7. Laying of MoU with NMDC in the Parliament Budget Session
8. Action of PESB’s recommendations. 3 days
RM-II Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Forwarding of various references received from other Ministries/Departments. 3 days
2. ACRs received from MOIL in respect of Board level appointees. (Putting up to Reporting/Reviewing authority). 3 days
3. Submission of Photo Pass applications 4 days
4. Submission of various returns on the basis of information received from MOIL and Bird Group of Companies 3 days
5. Misc. references from MOIL and Bird Group of Companies. 7 days
6. Action of PESB’s recommendations. 3 days
7. Furnishing of information to Coordn. And other Sections of the Ministry. (On receipt from MOIL/ Bird Group of Companies. 3 days
Finance Section
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Creation/Abolition/Continuance of posts 3 days
2. Delegation of powers 3 days
3. Expenditure proposals. 3 days
4. Formation/Creation/take over of new company/subsidiary. 1 week
5. Revised capital cost estimates 1 week
6. Revised capital cost estimates. 1 week
7. Misc. cases involving interpretation of rules/regulations and advice of financial matters. 3 days
8. Pay revision, pay fixation of PSUs. 1 week
9. Projects/ Schemes. 1 week
10. Deputation/ Delegation of officals abroad. 2 days
11. Examination of MOU in respect of PSUs 1 week
12. Matters related to Govt. Guarantees. 3 days
13. Scrutiny and finalisation of proposals regarding financial restructuring. 1-2 weeks
14. Economy in Expenditure. 2-3 days
15. Items other than above. 3 to 5 days
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. MP/VIP cases 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
2. Comments to be furnished on Audit Paras 6 Weeks
3. Action Taken Note on Audit Paras to be sent to COPU 6 Weeks
4. Release of funds to PSUs One month from receipt of  proposal.
5. Sending of MOUs to Parliament for the year (X-Y) Budget Session of  Parliament for  the year ‘X’
6 Laying of Annual Reports of PSUs Winter Session of Parliament.
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
Sl.No. State of investigation Time Limit
1. Decision as to whether the complaint involves a vigilance angle 1  week from receipt of thecomplaint
2. Decision on complaint, whether to be filed or to be entrusted to CBI or to be taken up for investigation by departmental agency or to be sent to the concerned administrative authority for necessary action 1week from receipt of the complaint
3.       Conducting investigation and submission of report 3 months
4. Departmental comments on the CBI reports in cases requiring Commission’s advice 1 month from the date of receipt of CBI’s report by the DA
5. Referring departmental investigation reports to the Commission for advice. 1 month from the date of  receipt of investigation report.
6. Reconsideration of the Commission’s advice, if required. 1 month from the date of  receipt of  Commission’s advice.
MF Desk
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. MP/VIP References 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt
2. Comments to be furnished by the Ministry on Audit Paras 6 Weeks
3. Action Taken Notes on Audit Paras to be sent to COPU 6 Weeks
4. Sending of MOUs to Parliament for the year (X-Y) Budget Session of Parliament of the year “X”
5. Laying of Annual Reports of PSUs for the year (X-Y) Winter Session of Parliament in “Y”
Sl. No. Type of Cases Time Limit for disposal of  cases
1. Putting up cases received from various firms/ associations regarding duty structure on steel items One week
2. Forwarding various proposals from Department of Commerce on international trade to steel associations for comments 3 days
3. Furnishing of material for Parliament questions to various ministries and sections within the Ministry. 2 days
4. VIP references. 15 days for acknowledgement and 30 days for reply from date of receipt

SAIL-PP Section

It has not been possible to fix any time limits for disposal of cases due to the nature of work allocated to this Section since inputs have to be called from SAIL/other PSUs as well as from other Sections/Ministries.

SAIL-RS Section

As regards Audit Paras, the time limit for reply is being fixed by the Audit (i.e. six weeks). However, disposal of Audit Paras is dependent on the response from SAIL. Similarly, for VIP references, one month’s time is generally required for their disposal. This is also dependent on SAIL’s response.

Tech. Wing

All the cases are technical in nature and are submitted to Additional IA(Das) and Assistant IA(T). Normally the Technical Officers don’t keep cases pending with them for more than 7 days.

HSM Desk

No Time Limit can be fixed for disposal of cases dealt with in HSM Desk, However it is ensured that no official keep a case pending for more than 7 working days.

I. D. Wing

No Time Limit can be fixed for disposal of cases dealt with in HSM Desk, However it is ensured that no official keep a case pending for more than 7 working days.

Cash Section (As on 23.04.2015)
S.No. Type of cases Time limit for processing of the bills/claims
1. Pay Bills By 25th of every month.
2. Bills like GPF/Festival/Car/ Scooter/HBA/Cycle Advances  1 day
3. Conveyance Bills By 20th of every month.
4. Contingent Bills 3 working days. Contingent bills (except bills of urgent nature and advances) are received on upto 20th of the month.
5. Sanctions for release of Loans/ Grant-in-aid etc in r/o PSUs 1 day(subject to receipt of pre-receipt and duly filled undertaking form from the concerned PSU)
6. T.A.Bills 3 working days
7. LTC 10 working days.
8. Medical Bills. 2 working days.
9. Issue of TDS Certificate In the month of April/May every year.
10. Issue of GPF Statements In the month of May every year.

Note : The time required in cash section is indicative of the time taken to process the bills only and release of payment is subject to clearance from PAO.

Budget Section

Due to the nature of the work allocated to the Section, most of which involves interaction with PSUs, Sections/Desks of this Ministry, Ministry of Finance and Planning Commission, it may not be possible to prescribe specific norms for discharge of its functions. The general norms laid down in the Manual of Office Procedure (MOP) and specific norms laid down in General Financial Rules (GFR), Delegation of Financial Power Rules (DFPR) and guidelines (instructions) issued by Ministry of Finance are followed in the disposal of cases. However, in ordinary and routine matters, time limit of 7 days for disposal is adhered to. Performance Budget and detailed demands for grants of the Ministry are laid on the table of Lok Sabha in the Budget Session of the Parliament