Shri Sanjay Roy, Joint Secretary sanjay[dot]roy14[at]nic[dot]in 23063170 Ministry of Steel Udyog Bhawan New Delhi-110011 |
Sl No | Section/Division | Name & Designation of Appellate Authority(S/Shri) | Email ID | Telephone Number |
| Nodal Officer in RTI matters | Smt. Gurpreet Gadhok, Director | gurpreet[dot]gadhok[at]nic[dot]in | 23063355 |
1 | Advisory Group | Smt. Gurpreet Gadhok, Director | gurpreet[dot]gadhok[at]nic[dot]in | 23063355 |
2 | Establishment | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | Sudershan Mendiratta <sudershan[dot]m66[at]nic[dot]in>; | 23062873 |
3 | Gen Administration | Subhash Kumar, Deputy Secretary | Subhash Kumar <kumar[dot]subhash[at]nic[dot]in>; | 23063872 |
4 | Library | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | Sudershan Mendiratta <sudershan[dot]m66[at]nic[dot]in>; | 23062873 |
5 | Parliament | Subhash Kumar, Deputy Secretary | Subhash Kumar <kumar[dot]subhash[at]nic[dot]in> | 23063872 |
6 | Record Room, Receipt & Dispatch | Subhash Kumar, Deputy Secretary | Subhash Kumar <kumar[dot]subhash[at]nic[dot]in> | 23063872 |
7 | Coordination | Amit Pankaj, Deputy Secretary | Amit Pankaj <amit[dot]pankaj03[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061243 |
8 | Official Language | Ananda Bhoi, JD (OL) | jdol-steel[at]gov[dot]in | 23063263 |
9 | Finance Division | Raj Kumar Joint Director | RAJ KUMAR, JD <raj[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in | 23063236 |
10 | Cash | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | 23062873 | |
11 | Budget | Raj Kumar Joint Director | RAJ KUMAR, JD <raj[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in | 23063236 |
12 | Economic Division | Raj Kumar Joint Director | RAJ KUMAR, JD <raj[dot]kumar84[at]nic[dot]in | 23063236 |
13 | V&R Division | Neeraj Aggarwal, Director | Neeraj Agrawal <neeraj[dot]agrawal[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23063770 |
14 | Board Level Appointment Cell | Amit Pankaj, DS | Amit Pankaj <amit[dot]pankaj03[at]gov[dot]in | 23061243 |
15 | Steel Development (Institute) | Nitin Jain, DS | nitin[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in | 23063722 |
16 | Trade & Taxation Division | Nitin Jain, DS | nitin[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in | 23063722 |
17 | Raw Material Division | Devidutta Satapathy, Director | DEVIDATTA SATAPATHY <devidatta[dot]satapathy[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23062386 |
18 | Technical Division | Parmjeet Singh, AIA | Parmjeet singh <parmjeet[dot]singh[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061587 |
19 | SAIL Division | Gopalakrishnan Ganesan, DS | 23061505 | |
20 | NMDC Division | G Sarathi Raja, Deputy Secretary | G Sarathy <g[dot]sarathyraja[at]gov[dot]in> | 23061064 |
21 | MECON Division | Amit Pankaj, Deputy Secretary | Amit Pankaj <amit[dot]pankaj03[at]gov[dot]in> | 23061243 |
22 | RINL & BGC | Sudershan Mendiratta, Director | 23062873 | |
23 | KIOCL | Ms. Neha Verma, Director | NEHA VERMA <neha086-ifs[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061096 |
24 | MOIL | Devidutta Satapathy, Director | 23062386 | |
25 | MF Division | Nitin Jain, DS | nitin[dot]jain[at]gov[dot]in | 23063722 |
26 | Industrial Development-I | G Sarathi Raja, Deputy Secretary | G Sarathy <g[dot]sarathyraja[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061064 |
27 | Industrial Development-II | Ms. Neha Verma, Director | NEHA VERMA <neha086-ifs[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061096 |
28 | Control Cell | Amit Pankaj, Deputy Secretary | Amit Pankaj <amit[dot]pankaj03[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23061243 |
29 | HR PSU Cell | Smt. Gurpreet Gadhok, Director | gurpreet[dot]gadhok[at]nic[dot]in | 23063355 |
30 | International Corporation Cell | Subhash Kumar, Deputy Secretary | Subhash Kumar <kumar[dot]subhash[at]nic[dot]in>; | 23063872 |
31 | Project Monitoring Cell | Gopalakrishnan Ganesan, Deputy Secreary | 23061505 | |
32 | Statistics | Ajit Kumar Sah, Deputy Secretary | Ajit Kumar Sah <ak[dot]sah[at]nic[dot]in> | 23062874 |
33 | IEC | Subhash Kumar, Deputy Secretary | Subhash Kumar <kumar[dot]subhash[at]nic[dot]in> | 23063872 |
34 | IT & e-Gov | Smt. Gurpreet Gadhok, Director | gurpreet[dot]gadhok[at]nic[dot]in | 23063355 |
35 | Logistics Div, RM | Devidutta Satapathy, Director | DEVIDATTA SATAPATHY <devidatta[dot]satapathy[at]gov[dot]in>; | 23062386 |
36 | PAO | Arvind Kumar, CCA | ccasteel[at]nic[dot]in | 23063730 |