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Sl. No. Title Details
471 Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of NEC make Aspila Ex-KTS Exchange installed in Ministry of Steel Download (659.58 KB) pdf
472 Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for hiring of vehicles for use in the Ministry of Steel Download (1012.86 KB) pdf
473 Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for repairing, maintenance & procurement of office furniture items (petty carpentry works) of Ministry of Steel Download (1.18 MB) pdf
474 Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for supply of Printed Matrerials for use in the Ministry of Steel Download (1.02 MB) pdf
475 Reg washing & dry cleaning in Ministry of Steel Download (428.68 KB) pdf
476 Reg Pest Control in Ministry of Steel Download (487.54 KB) pdf
477 Award of Annual Maitenance contract(AMC) of ACs installed in Minister of Steel Download (896.8 KB) pdf
478 Reg supply of Sanitary & Crockery items for use in Ministry of Steel Download (1.91 MB) pdf
479 Reg purchase and supply of stationbary items in Ministry of Steel Download (8.43 MB) pdf
480 ARC for purchase of Computer & Fax Cartridge etc Download (722.71 KB) pdf
